Faculty of Law exchange programme (2024)

Academic calendar

Academic calendar

  • Academic calendar 2023-2024 [Pdf]
  • Academic calendar 2024-2025 [Pdf]

The academic year of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University consists of two semesters, a fall semester and a spring semester.The fall semester starts in period 1 and ends at the end of period 2 or period 3 (It is up to students and their home universities to decide which end date of the fall semester they prefer. Taking into account the amount of credits students need to achieve during their exchange and when they need to return to their home universities to resume their studies. Keep in mind that in period 3 only bachelor courses are offered). The spring semester starts in period 3 or period 4 and ends at the end of period 5 (It is up students and their home universities to decide which start date of the spring semester they prefer. Taking into account the amount of credits they need to achieve during their exchange and when they are able to start their exchange, this in regards to their studies at their home universities. Keep in mind that in period 3 only bachelor courses are offered).

Theacademic calendar provides an outline of:

education weeks
exam weeks
deadlines registration courses
publication of education and exam timetables

Arrival and introduction days

Arrival and introduction days

Introduction days

The academic year of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University consists of two semesters:

Fall semester

The fall semester starts in period 1 and ends at the end of period 2 or period 3 (It is up to students and their home universities to decide which end date of the fall semester they prefer . Taking into account the amount of credits students need to achieve during their exchange and when they need to return to their home universities to resume their studies. Keep in mind that in period 3 only bachelor courses are offered).

Spring semester

The spring semester starts in period 3 or period 4 and ends at the end of period 5.(It is up students and their home universities to decide which start date of the spring semester they prefer. taking into account the amount of credits they need to achieve during their exchange and when they are able to start their exchange, this in regards to their studies at their home universities. Keep in mind that in period 3 only bachelor courses are offered)

Introduction fall semester

Monday August 28th – Friday September 1st

Introduction spring semester

Thursday February 1st and Friday February 2nd

Each semester starts with the introduction days, which are in the week preceding the start of the semester; except for students who choose to start the spring semester in period 3 (these students will get the chance to join the introduction days of the spring semester, before the start of period 4). During the introduction day(s) you will receive your UM student card and certificate of enrolment. You will also receive information regarding the Problem Based Learning system, the Electronic learning systems of the Faculty (the student portal and Canvas), the University library and other practical matters. The introduction days are not mandatory, but we do highly recommend students to be present. It is free of charge.

You will receive an official invitation by e-mail in time from the marketing department of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University.

The general programme takes place at the Faculty of Law in Maastricht, Bouillonstraat 1-3, 6211 LH Maastricht.


Expected date of Arrival
Please make sure that you arrive in Maastricht during weekdays between 10.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs, so that you can use the free ESN mentor service and so that you can check into the Guesthouse (checking in is not possible during the weekend or on holidays, nor after 17.00 hrs).Inany case, you should plan to arrive before the introduction days (see first paragraph).

Nomination procedure

Nomination procedure

A nomination letter or an e-mail from the home university, with the names, study period and e-mail addresses of the students that have been nominated for an exchange to the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University, has to be sent to the following e-mail address: iro-incoming-law@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Nomination deadlines

15 April for the Fall semester and Full year
15 September for the Spring semester

Application procedure

Application procedure

Students have to apply online. Information/instructions on how to apply online will be sent to each nominated student directly by e-mail.

The student needs to upload the following application documents:

• A copy of a valid passport (passport must be valid until at least one month after the end date of the student’s exchange at Maastricht University, Faculty of Law). EU citizens are allowed to upload a copy of their Identity (ID) Card, ID card must also be valid until at least one month after the end date of the student’s exchange at Maastricht University, Faculty of Law).
• Portrait picture (the same size as the one displayed on the passport or ID card).
• Latest Official list of grades/academic transcript from current study, signed and stamped by home university. If you are a master student at your home university and you are applying for the law master exchange program, make sure to upload your law Bachelor's degree and your bachelor official list of grades (in English) as well, indicating that you have obtained at least 180 ECTS in Law courses.
• ECTS statement signed and stamped by the home university, indicating how many ECTS (credits) the student has completed at the home university (this form is provided to students by us, together with the application instructions).
• English language certificate, only for students who are nominated to participate in the master exchange program.

Application deadline for students

15 May for the fall semester and Full year
15 October for the spring semester

CIEL programme

CIEL programme

Certificate in Comparative, International and European Law (CIEL)
Maastricht Law School participates in the CIEL network which comprises the universities mentioned below. The CIEL network cooperates in the field of European, International and Comparative Law. One of its aims is to encourage the mobility of master students studying comparative, international and European law.

Participating universities are
  • Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)
  • University College Dublin (Ireland)
  • Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
  • Universität Mannheim (Germany)
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (Spain)
  • Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole (France)
  • Zagreb University (Croatia)

These universities yearly select a small group of graduate students for the CIEL programme.Students who succesfully complete this programme are awarded the CIEL certificate of ‘European Master in Comparative, International and European Law’.

As a CIEL student, you will be at Maastricht University for one semester. During this semester you need to take 30 ects worth of courses offered at Master's level. You can find the courses that will be offeredat the course offer section.

In addition you need to find a second supervisor for your master's thesis. Mind that you have to write the thesis under the rules of your home university. Your home supervisor is the first to address with questions; the supervisor from Maastricht will have limited time for supervision. Make sure that you start searching for a supervisor at an early stage. Not all Maastricht staff will be aware of the CIEL programme, but if extra information is needed you can refer to the international office.

Only students from the universities mentioned above qualify for the CIEL programme, provided they have been nominated as such. If you want know if you can participate, please contact your home faculty.
Once nominated, students will be contacted by Maastricht Law Faculty with application instructions.

Language requirements
Students who are nominated to participate in the CIEL program will have to provide proof of English language proficiency. More information regarding the language requirements can be found on the entry ‘English language requirements’ on this webpage.

Our general information for incoming exchange students applies to CIEL students as well. So information on issues such ashousing, academic calendar, teaching method etc. can be found on the corresponding entries on this webpage.

Course offer

Course offer

For exchange students

- Courses offered to exchange students 2023-2024 [Pdf]

- Courses offered to exchange students 2024-2025[Pdf]

For CIEL students

- Courses offered to CIEL students 2023-2024[Pdf]

- Courses offered to CIEL students 2024-2025 [Pdf]

For THEMIS students

- Courses offered to THEMIS students 2023-2024[Pdf]

- Courses offered to THEMIS students 2024-2025 [Pdf]

For Dual Degree UAM students

-Courses offered to DDg UAM students 2023-2024[Pdf]

- Courses offered to DDg UAM students 2024-2025 [Pdf]

For Dual Degree UniversitàBocconi students

- Courses offered to DDg Bocconi students 2023-2024 [Pdf]

- Courses offered to DDg Bocconi students 2024-2025 [Pdf]

Study load

Exchange students are advised to follow a maximum of two courses of 6 credits, each, or one double course (12 credits) per period. Keep in mind that if you take more than 2 courses (or more that 12 credits) per period, you will have to deal with a study load that is above average!

Course changes

It is possible to change from courses, only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The change in courses need to be approved, beforehand, by the home university of the student and need to be indicated on the learning agreement of the student, which also needs to be signed and stamped by the home university.
  • Exchange students have time until the Thursday morning of the firstweek of education of a course, to change from course.
  • Also, the student will only be changed from course, if there are still places available for the course.

Course descriptions

Course descriptions

For the descriptions of the bachelor courses, please visit the website of the Bachelor European Law school (underneath the header ‘second year courses’ and ‘electives’): https://curriculum.maastrichtuniversity.nl/education/bachelor/bachelor-european-law-school/courses-curriculum

For the descriptions of the master courses,please visit the websites of the Master European Law school and the Master Globalisation and Law:



Keep in mind that the descriptions of the courses are subject to alterations!

English language requirements

English language requirements

English is the language of instruction in all programmes. As the Problem Based Learning method requires active participation of students in group meetings, it is of the utmost importance that you have a good working knowledge of English. This means that you must be able to read the required literature, to participate in tutorial group discussions, and to take written and oral examinations.

Students taking bachelor's courses
We do not require formal proof of fluency if a student will take only bachelor's courses. However, the programme responsible (coordinator) at your home university has to state that your level of English is sufficient on order to actively participate in English taught courses by signing the ECTS statement (send by the Faculty of law of Maastricht University, together with the application instructions to the student).

Students taking master’s courses
Students who are nominated to participate in the master exchange programme and will take master's courses, will have to provide proof of sufficient English language proficiency.

We will accept certificates of level B2 (not older than two years) or C1 or higher (not older than three years) of the Common European Framework of Reference issued by: an official language institute (or language centre of the home university of the student) or a qualified English language teacher, signed and stamped. *The level stated on the certificate needs to be based on a test regarding the reading, writing, listening and speaking English language skills of the student and not based on their English language proficiency skills during a certain course, they followed completely in English)

Other certificates that suffice are:

  • TOEFL internet-based with a score of 90 or more (not older than two years)
  • IELTS with a total score of 6.5 or more (not older than two years)
  • CPE (all grades, not older than two years)
  • CAE (Cambridge Assessment English) of level C1 or higher (not older than three years) with the grades A, B, C or C+
  • ITACE level B2 (not older than two years)
  • TOEIC (score of 720 or more for listening and reading and score of 310 or more for speaking and writing, not older than two years).

We do not accept English language certificates or statements signed by an international Relations officer!

Native speakers and students taking their degree program entirely in English are exempted (be it that visa requirements with regard to language level may apply and cannot be exempted). Students taking their degree program entirely in English at their home university need to upload proof of this. An official transcript of grades or statement from their home university, on which is clearly stated that the student is following their degree program entirely in English, will suffice.



You can arrange accommodation withMaastrichthousing. The faculty does not act as an intermediary, so you need to make your ownreservation.

Maastrichthousingis a cooperation between two student housing organizations: Guesthouse UM and the Foundation for Student Housing in Maastricht. It’s their shared goal to service housing for students, employees and guests from Maastricht University, Hoge School Zuyd and Jan van Eijck Academie.

Reservations are made on a 'first come, first served' basis so you needto arrange your accommodation as soon as possible!! Please check the website for more information and reservations.

Please keep in mind that you have to pay a 35-euro subscription fee, to open an account on Maastrichthousing.

Please take the following dates into account when booking housing
Note that you need to make sure you arrive in Maastricht at least one day before the introduction days. The last day you have to be present at our school is the last day of the exams week. If you want to take a re-sit (=second chance to pass the exam) you have to be present in Maastricht. In this case, the last day you have to be present at our school is the last day of the re-sit week. Please consult the academic calendar for the corresponding dates.

It is up to you to try and find a room on the private market, but if you do then keep the following in mind:

  • ALWAYS check whether the address of the room/apartment offered actually exists (via google maps, for example); only too often people try to make a fast buck by renting out rooms that do not, in fact, exist.
  • NEVER transfer money in advance! There are a lot of crooks in the world, trying to swindle you out of your money. No matter how desperate you are, always check the credentials of the person subletting the room.
  • Please note that the International Relations Office at Faculty of Law cannot and will not interfere on your behalf in case of problems, issues or even legal disputes, neither with the UM Guesthouse, Maastrichthousing, nor with housing agencies, landlords, local students subletting their rooms or apartments.

Housing Helpdesk
For assistance with housing problems, click here for more information.

More information and useful links

More information and useful links

Useful information for international students in Maastricht on 'get settled' and 'go explore'

Master's programmes at Maastricht University faculty of law
If your experience as an exchange student makes you interested in enrollment in one of our master's programmes you can find all information on ourmaster webpages.

Living expenses
Information about Living expenses.

Studying with a disability
Tips for (incoming exchange) students who have a disability, chronic illness or dyslexia.

The city of Maastricht
You will find more information about the city of Maastricht here:www.vvvmaastricht.nl

ESN (Erasmus Student Network for international exchange)
To find out what ESNcan do for youvisit theESN website.

Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Maastricht University uses Problem Based Learning (PBL) as its key method of instruction. Students work together in small groups to tackle the subject matter, which is offered in the form of real life problems from the field of study.

PBL was adopted by Maastricht University in 1976. PBL tries to overcome the weaknesses of traditional education by giving the students a very active role. Students do not spend hours listening to lectures – although there are some, usually at the start of the study period - but instead, per course, attend two-hour tutorial group meetings twice a week. These meetings form the core part of the study programme and are the driving force for learning. Within the tutorial groups, problems are presented as cases and researched. The international classroom underlines the benefits in the learning process of students when they work in small tutorial groups with people from different cultural backgrounds. By approaching problems from a variety of perspectives students are acquainted with different ways of seeing things and that enhances the quality of discussions. In this way, the international classroom prepares students for the rapidly globalising labour market.

A tutorial group is composed of 18 to 20students plus a tutor: a staff member who guides the group process but who does not automatically give answers to the problems. It is up to the students to discover where their knowledge falls short and to fill in the gaps. To do so, students will have to spend a lot of time between tutorial meetings to read articles and books, and to do research in the university library. After one or two days of individual studying you meet again with the group to discuss your findings.

More in-depth information about the Problem Based Learning can be foundhere.

Requirements bachelor's courses

Requirements bachelor's courses

Requirements for students taking bachelor's courses

Exchange bachelor students participating in the bachelor exchange programme take courses form the bachelors programme only
All the courses offered to exchange students are taught in English
We do not require formal proof of English language fluency, if a student will take only bachelor courses. However, the responsible person (coordinator) at your home university has to state that your level of English is sufficient in order to actively participate in English taught courses by signing the ECTS statement home university form provided by us together with the application instructions
A minimum of 60 ECTS of a university law programme will give students access to bachelor courses
The credits must be obtained before the application deadline
Bachelor exchange students are advised to follow a maximum of two courses of 6 credits, each, or one double course (12 credits) per period. Keep in mind that if you take more than 2 courses (or more that 12 credits) per period, you will have to deal with a study load that is above average!
Please note that is not possible to write any papers or do any research in addition to the courses
Students have to follow classes right from the start of the block period. Only in exceptional cases students are admitted to course meetings until one week after courses have started. Students who arrive later will not be admitted to the course meetings of that particular block period - they will have to wait until the courses of the next period start

Requirements master's courses

Requirements master's courses

Requirements for students taking master's courses
Exchange master students participating in the master exchange programme can choose freely from both bachelor's and master's courses, depending on home requirements
All the courses offered to exchange students are taught in English
If your home university does not distinguish between bachelor and master, the following applies: a minimum of 180 ECTS of a university law programme will give you access to master courses
The credits must be obtained before the application deadline
Students from (post-)graduate law programmes have access to master's courses
Master exchange students are advised to follow a maximum of two courses of 6 credits, each, or one double course (12 credits) per period. Keep in mind that if you take more than 2 courses (or more that 12 credits) per period, you will have to deal with a study load that is above average!
Please note that it is not possible to write papers or do any research in addition to the courses
Students have to follow classes right from the start of the block period. Only in exceptional cases students are admitted to course meetings until one week after courses have started. Students who arrive later will not be admitted to the course meetings of that particular block period - they will have to wait until the courses of the next period start

Students who are nominated to participate in the master exchange programme and will take master's courses, will have to provide proof of sufficient English language proficiency.

We will accept certificates of level B2 (not older than two years) or C1 or higher (not older than three years) of the Common European Framework of Reference issued by: an official language institute (or language centre of the home university of the student) or a qualified English language teacher, signed and stamped. *The level stated on the certificate needs to be based on a test regarding the reading, writing, listening and speaking English language skills of the student and not based on their English language proficiency skills during a certain course, they followed completely in English)

Other certificates that suffice are:

  • TOEFL internet-based with a score of 90 or more (not older than two years)
  • IELTS with a total score of 6.5 or more (not older than two years)
  • CPE (all grades, not older than two years)
  • CAE (Cambridge Assessment English) of level C1 or higher (not older than three years) with the grades A, B, C or C+
  • ITACE level B2 (not older than two years)
  • TOEIC (score of 720 or more for listening and reading and score of 310 or more for speaking and writing, not older than two years).

We do not accept English language certificates or statements signed by an international Relations officer!

Native speakers and students taking their degree program entirely in English are exempted (be it that visa requirements with regard to language level may apply and cannot be exempted). Students taking their degree program entirely in English at their home university need to upload proof of this. An official transcript of grades or statement from their home university, on which is clearly stated that the student is following their degree program entirely in English, will suffice.

THEMIS programme

THEMIS programme

THEMIS Law Network
Maastricht Law School participates in the THEMIS law network which comprises the universities mentioned below. The network aims at creating a new standard in business law in response to an ever-increasing demand for law professionals with international know-how and expertise. Participating universities are:

  • Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy)
  • Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
  • ESADE Law School (Barcelona, Spain)
  • Université Paris Est-Créteil Val de Marne (France)
  • Singapore Management University (SMU Singapore)
  • Wirtschafts-Universität Wien (Austria)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
  • Nova School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • National Taiwan University

These universities yearly select a small group of graduate students for the THEMIS programme which comprises a semester abroad, internship and participation in a THEMIS seminar. Students who succesfully complete the programme are awarded the THEMIS certificate.

As a THEMIS student, you will be at Maastricht University for the fall semester. During this semester you need to take 30 ects worth of courses offered at Master's level. You can find the courses that will be offered at the course offer section.

Only students from the universities mentioned above qualify for the THEMIS programme, provided they have been nominated as such. If you want know if you can participate, please contact your home faculty.
Once nominated, students will be contacted by Maastricht Law Faculty with application instructions.

Language requirements

Students who are nominated to participate in the THEMIS program will have to provide proof of English language proficiency. More information regarding the language requirements can be found on the entry ‘English language requirements’ on this webpage.

Our general information for incoming exchange students applies to THEMIS students as well. So information on issues such ashousing, academic calendar, teaching method etc. can be found on the corresponding entries on this webpage.

Transcript, grades and credits

Transcript, grades and credits

Please keep in mind that once you have registered for a course it will always show up on your transcript at the end of your exchange,unless you deregister for the course before the course (de)registration deadline.

If you take a language course during your exchange at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University this will not be mentioned on your transcript, as these courses are not part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Law, but are taught at UM’s Language Centre, who will provide you with a separate Proof of Participation after you have completed the course. Before you enroll in a language course please contact your home university to find out whether or not they acknowledge the grade/credits earned for a language course.

When will I get my transcript?
Once all results have been processed in the system, the transcript can be created. Do note that this is time consuming. We kindly ask for your patience.

If you need to receive your transcript of records urgently, please inform us once you have received all your grades (by sending an e-mail to iro-incoming-law@maastrichtuniversity.nl). We will try to send your transcript as soon as possible.

If you failed a course and do not want to take part in the resit, make sure to deregister yourself for the resit via Student Portal to avoid a delay in processing your transcript. This can be done through a contact form (My UM > My links > My Law > contact form law)

How will I get my transcript?
An electronic version of your grade transcript will be sent directly to both you and your home university.If for any reason, you or your home university, needs a hard copy then this will be issued on request.

Grading system of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University
Every course has its own requirements students need to meet in order to pass the course. These requirements are mentioned in the course manual.

All courses are assessed with a whole grade on a scale from 0.0 to 10.0 or a no grade. It should be noted that a 10.0 is very rarely scored (fewer than 1% of students). A grade of 5.5 is considered a pass. The grading scale applied is to be interpreted as:

9Very good
7Amply sufficient
5,5 - 6Sufficient
5Marginal fail
≤ 5Clear fail
NGNo Grade; due to unjustified absence/ the student did not sit the exam or did nothand in the assignments

The Faculty of Law of Maastricht University uses the ECTS system. The transcripts of records will contain the names of the courses you took, plus the Dutch grade and the number of ECTS credits. We do not use ECTSgrades.

Visa/Residence permit

Visa/Residence permit

Depending on your nationality, you may have to apply for a special entry visa and/or a residence permit.Once you have completed the online exchange application, the International Relations will check if you need a visa/ residence permit. If so, your details will be forwarded to the Maastricht University’s Visa Office, who will get back to you via email.As soon as you hear from them, you should take action immediately and provide them with the necessary documents for you visa/ residence permit.

It is vital to respond quickly to the Visa Office, since you will otherwise seriously delay your visa application. If your visa is not ready in time, before the introduction days and the start of the semester, donottravel to the Netherlands, anddo never apply for a short-stay or tourist visa. If you do so anyway, the Dutch Immigration Law enforcement will force us to deregister you as law exchange student, which means that you will not be allowed to start your exchange at our Faculty anymore.

For more information regarding immigration requirements and procedures clickhereor contact theMaastricht University’s Visa Office(please mention your name, student ID number, nationality and home university).

Student Portal, intranet and webmail

Student Portal, intranet and webmail

Student Portal
The Student Portal is your one-stop location for accessing and managing your personal university information. It has been designed to work on alldevices,so that you can access the information you need, wheneveryou need it, be it on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Use the Student Portal to sign up for courses, access your course material, answer your email, check your calendar, latest announcements, upcoming deadlines, grades, deregister for exams.

To access the portal go to Student Portal and login with your student ID number (i6*****) and password.

Use intranet to find academic related information, information about procedures, rules and regulations (e.g. academic calendar, information on registration for education and exams, information concerning exams, examinations and results. To access the intranet first login to Student Portal.

After registration you will receive an email containing your Student ID number and your password, which you need to login to your Maastricht University email.
The IRO will only send emails to this address after the start of the semester. Before that the time we will use the e-mail address that was provided to us by your home university, when you were nominated.

You can check your webmail on your student portal too.

Access remains possible until 60 days after your exchange has ended.

Erasmus+ and other documents

Erasmus+ and other documents

The Erasmus+ learning agreement, statement of stay, arrival and departure form are provided by your home university.

To get your Erasmus+ learning agreement, statement of stay, arrival or departure form signed you can send them by email to iro-incoming-law@maastrichtuniversity.nl

The learning agreement (Table A in the learning agreement) includes all the educational components (course code + title + number of ECTS) to be carried out by the student at the receiving institution.

The date of arrival or start date of the study abroad period is the first day the student has to be present at the law faculty (first introduction day). The date of departure or end date of the study abroad period is the last day the student has to be present at the law faculty. The last day could be the last day of the exam week. Please consult the academic calendar for the corresponding dates.

Information regarding the receiving institution
Name: Maastricht University
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Erasmus code: NLMAASTRI01
Department: International Relations Office (IRO)
Address: Bouillonstraat 1-3, 6211 LH Maastricht
Country: The Netherlands (NL)


Mr. Silvester Conduto, Exchange officer Incoming students
Contact and responsible person for learning agreements and forms such as: statement of stay, arrival and departure forms
Contact email-address: iro-incoming-law@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Phone number: +31(0) 43-3882028

  • Academic calendar
  • Arrival and introduction days
  • Nomination procedure
  • Application procedure
  • CIEL programme
  • Course offer
  • Course descriptions
  • English language requirements
  • Housing
  • More information and useful links
  • Problem Based Learning (PBL)
  • Requirements bachelor's courses
  • Requirements master's courses
  • THEMIS programme
  • Transcript, grades and credits
  • Visa/Residence permit
  • Student Portal, intranet and webmail
  • Erasmus+ and other documents
Faculty of Law exchange programme (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.