We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (2024)

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (1)

By Shane Croucher AND Jacob Jarvis

When it comes to social media impact, President Donald Trump was the undisputed king of the world. At his peak, Trump's accounts had more than 88.8 million followers on Twitter and 32.8 million likes on Facebook—combined, more than any other world leader in office—and he knew how to use them. But six months ago, in the aftermath of the Capitol Riot on January 6 that Trump stood accused of stoking, both platforms put an end to his dominance, banning his main accounts for inciting violence. Twitter's ban is permanent; Facebook's will lift in 2023.

Since then, Trump supporters have scrambled to keep their leader at the center of the social conversation in his absence, sharing every breathless statement from Mar-a-Lago as he gears up for a possible 2024 presidential run. Some have also jostled to claim the throne of TrumpWorld's top influencer—a prize worth winning for those who covet power or who cherish the highest of political ambitions. To find out who is winning this effort, Newsweek analyzed the Twitter and Facebook data of the 20 most-followed accounts in TrumpWorld—that is, those who are highly supportive of Trump, often uncritically so, or who have paid fealty to him to save or boost their careers.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (2)

The ranking covers the time period from January 8, when both platforms booted Trump, to May 8. With data from Tweet Binder (for Twitter) and CrowdTangle (for Facebook), Newsweek measured average engagement per post and per follower for each account on the platforms, using a formula that combines the two figures to arrive at a final, relative score. Those with a stronger average rate of engagement scored higher.

To be sure, this is not a work of science. The data is limited—it does not include Twitter replies, for example—and subjective decisions were made about who to include in TrumpWorld. Using most-followed accounts as the starting point also excludes influential accounts with smaller followings; these "rising stars," are noted in a separate section at the end.

The end result: an indicative ranking of who among TrumpWorld's most-followed accounts are able to make the biggest waves on the two primary social platforms dominated by President Trump before his ban on January 8.

This list speaks to the future of the GOP, a party led and shaped largely by those who sit outside of its official power structures. No politician breaks into the top five—or even the top seven—when ranked by ability to engage their followings. An evangelical leader, a well-known conservative activist, Trump's offspring and prominent Fox personalities dominate.

The Republican Party's base is now a Trumpian army of digital warriors who do battle in the social media-cable news arena. They spark the social trends and cable news conversations that set the agenda for conservatives in Congress. And this is an army in search of a king among princes for the build-up to 2024, a new leader on social media around whom they can rally in their war against the many factions of America's left. So who will it be?

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (3)
We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (4)
We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (5)
We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (6)
We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (7)

In Newsweek's analysis, it's Franklin Graham, an evangelical rather than a politician or a Trump, who emerges atop the ranking as not only one of the most-followed figures in TrumpWorld but also the account that drives the highest engagement. Coming in second: Donald Trump Jr., who has taken his father's crown as the top Trump on Twitter and Facebook, beating siblings Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump. Graham and Don Jr. each blow away the competition in this ranking, with engagement scores more than four times that of their nearest competitor.

That No. 3 spot goes to conservative activist Candace Owens, who has built a formidable and highly-engaged following across both Twitter and Facebook. Her high placement here emphasizes her status as an emerging leader of America's new right.

The Newsweek analysis also reveals that while Tucker Carlson's cable news show commands the biggest ratings for Fox News, his colleague and schedule neighbor Sean Hannity triumphs on social engagement.One reason: Hannity is by far the most frequent poster on the list, with 1,763 Facebook posts and 2,781 tweets during the period. By comparison, the second most frequent poster, Laura Ingraham, had 756 Facebook posts and 1,461 tweets.

In the congressional sphere, TrumpWorld's most-followed politician driving the highest engagement is Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who clashed with Trump in the 2016 Republican primary but has since become a high-profile defender.

Three other politicians among the top 20 were also challengers to Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries: Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ben Carson, a prominent neurosurgeon who served as Trump's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Way down in the ranking is Mike Pence, Trump's former vice president, who picked up a huge social media following despite his low-key demeanor during his time in the White House.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (8)

Also worth noting: The Facebook and Twitter bans were a catalyst for conservatives and Trump loyalists to join alternative social media platforms, though many of those who are not also banned continue to use the mainstream services alongside. Among the most prominent alternative right-leaning platforms to emerge are Parler, Gab and Rumble. GETTR, a new platform launched by former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller, got off to rough start last week: a hacker altered numerous profiles, including Miller's own.

Owens, for example, has urged her followers to flock to Parler, of which her husband George Farmer is now CEO. Donald Trump Jr. is regularly making use of Rumble for his own video dispatches. And Trump recently launched his own vaunted "communications platform," which was, in essence, merely a blog feed on his website he used to push out his statements. Twitter thwarted efforts to create a new account for Trump's feed, so he killed it.

Still, for the time being it is Twitter and Facebook that dominate the realm of political discourse and campaigning. Here are the results of the ranking, based on each individual's combined performance on both platforms over the five-month period.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (9)


Followers: 10,166,960
Posts: 405
Engagements: 2,434,809

In 2016, Rubio, 50, called Trump a "con artist" as he took on the former president ahead of Super Tuesday that year. But their relationship has since flipped, with the Florida Republican having praised Trump throughout his presidency. Rubio is someone Trump may have labelled a "RINO"—Republican in name only—but has since received his "complete and total endorsem*nt" ahead of a 2022 Senate re-election bid. In a Newsmax interview in April, Rubio called Trump the "most influential Republican" and suggested he will win the 2024 GOP presidential candidacy if he goes for it. Rubio has criticized social media companies' moves against Trump, tweeting in January: "Even those who oppose Trump should see the danger of having a small & unelected group with the power to silence & erase anyone." A regular social media user who shares daily Bible verses and often rails against Venezuela's Maduro regime, Rubio's posts actually drive little engagement with his audience. He was vulnerable to a primary challenge in Florida, and so fealty to Trump became essential in avoiding that, an example of what most of those who want a future in Republican politics must now do.

Typical post:

"Day after Trump issued a #Covid travel ban on #China Joe Biden accused him of "hysteria, xenophobia, and fear mongering". The following month he said banning travel from any part of the world will not stop coronavirus. But now he is considering restrictions on #Florida travel."

Read more

  • Trump-Friendly Gettr App Marred by p*rn, Memes, Hacked Accounts Upon Launch
  • Eric Trump Calls Joe Biden, Kamala Harris 'Unpatriotic' on Day After July 4
  • Trump Says RINOs Are 'Biggest Problem' For U.S., GOP Should 'Get Tough'
We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (10)


Followers: 3,446,539
Posts: 12
Engagements: 4,987,630

Former vice presidential candidate and Tea Party icon Sarah Palin, 57, has been a staunch advocate of Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen. She clashed with British TV presenter Piers Morgan in an interview where she claimed there had been "shenanigans" surrounding Biden's victory. A longstanding Trump supporter, Palin ap- peared at a Trump rally in 2016, where she criticized protests she branded "thuggery" and took issue with the media. A sporadic tweeter, she instead focuses on Facebook, relentlessly pushing links to her website, which churns out fiery right-wing content. In her latest tweet mentioning Trump directly, sent on January 6, the former Alaska governor suggested the media should stop labeling those who stormed the Capitol as Trump supporters. Palin is a fringe figure in politics. But she retains a significant audience on social media and holds sway with much of the Republican base, which has shifted more toward her worldview in the past few years, perhaps opening the door to a comeback on the national stage.

Typical post:

"Trump unleashes hell on Biden admin, accuses them of 'huge cover-up'"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (11)


Followers: 6,689,217
Posts: 1,956
Engagements: 2,958,912

Another 2016 rival to Trump, 58-year-old Paul, a staunch libertarian, once branded the former president a "delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag." Now he describes Trump as a friend, and speaks with pride of the former president's actions in the White House. In turn, Trump has endorsed the senator for re-election in 2022—praising him for opposing "the Swamp in Washington," "the Radical Left Liberals" and "the destructive RINOS." The Kentucky Republican stood with Trump against impeachment at the start of the year. These days he can be seen jousting at Senate hearings with his new nemesis Anthony Fauci over masks and lockdowns—which he opposes—and promoting the Wuhan lab leak theory, elevating his status in TrumpWorld.

Typical post:

"Sorry Dr Fauci and other fearmongers, new study shows vaccines and naturally acquired immunity DO effectively neutralize COVID variants. Good news for everyone but bureaucrats and petty tyrants!"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (12)


Followers: 7,274,344
Posts: 860
Engagements: 5,432,713

The mixed-martial-arts-loving president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, 51, is a friend of the Trumps and was a large donor to the Trump Campaign. He once told TMZ he doesn't "give a s**t" if he loses UFC fans over his support for the former president. White has appeared with Trump at rallies and joined him on Air Force One. But politics rarely, if ever, features on White's social accounts. His massive followings on Twitter and Facebook are treated to a slew of UFC and fight content and little else. Still, he is one of TrumpWorld's biggest social media stars—a rare bridge to the world of entertainment—and has a powerful platform to turn to politics, should he decide to.

Typical post:

"WE ARE BACK!!!!!! #UFC261 April 24th. Jacksonville, FL. FULL CROWD."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (13)


Followers: 7,783,994
Posts: 60
Engagements: 2,358,375

Dr. Ben Carson, 69, another of the four people who challenged Trump for the GOP candidacy in 2016 to appear on this list, is a famed neurosurgeon who went on to serve in Trump's cabinet as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 to 2021. His Twitter account is shared with his wife Candy, with whom he has co-written several books. The account's tweets regularly focus on politics, and Carson, who is deeply religious, continues to weigh in on a raft of issues, though tweets directly mentioning Trump are rare. He spoke at the right-wing political conference CPAC earlier this year and launched the American Cornerstone Institute, a conservative think tank he promotes via social media. In April, he tweeted a message commending Trump for having "committed his entire life to bringing good to the world." Carson remains on the scene in TrumpWorld and may still have something to offer in 2025 if another Republican White House emerges from the next presidential election.

Typical post:

"As a pediatric neurosurgeon I operated on babies in the womb so I know unequivocally life starts at conception. Biden's EO allowing funds for global abortions is reprehensible. I started @ACI1776 to promote Faith, Liberty, Community and LIFE."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (14)


Followers: 7,669,101
Posts: 136
Engagements: 2,142,880

The former vice president, 62, kept a fairly low profile while serving with Trump at the White House. Pence, a devout evangelical Christian and former congressman, is a much more traditional politician than Trump; they made an unlikely pairing. But his proximity to Trump and role in the White House propelled his social media followings, giving him a huge platform on which to launch an expected run for the GOP's 2024 nomination. He may struggle with the party's Trump-loving base after defying the former president's wishes and certifying Joe Biden's election win. Trump had wanted Pence to refuse. He doesn't generate the same enthusiasm or engagement on social media as others in TrumpWorld, an ominous sign for his chances in the 2024 Republican pres- idential primary if he runs.

Typical post:

"Planned Parenthood is reaping the benefits of a left-wing Biden Administration, with the President reversing a Trump Administration rule that defunded the abortion giant of millions of dollars. Biden plans to force you to get millions of dollars to Planned Parent- hood. We must fight back for the lives of the unborn."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (15)


Followers: 4,782,249
Posts: 1,045
Engagements: 10,974,372

Attorney Jay Sekulow, 65, may be the least-known influencer in this ranking. Yet he drives more engagement than Trump's former right-hand man in the White House, ex-vice president Mike Pence. He represented Trump at his first impeachment trial (though he declined to do so at his second). Still, he railed against the prospect of Trump being convicted at the second, branding the proceedings unconstitutional and using social media to spread his argument. Sekulow is chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice and also hosts a popular podcast. Since Trump's departure, Sekulow has praised the former president's actions in office. In a January 21 tweet, he said Trump "secured many victories during his term, such as furthering the cause of defending the unborn and standing up for religious liberty," which has been a focus of the conservative lawyer's career. Sekulow flies under the radar, but is a significant figure and could take advantage of his TrumpWorld status to run for office should he desire it.

Typical post:

"Planned Parenthood is reaping the benefits of a left-wing Biden Administration, with the President reversing a Trump Administration rule that defunded the abortion giant of millions of dollars. Biden plans to force you to get millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood. We must fight back for the lives of the unborn."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (16)


Followers: 4,865,142
Posts: 643
Engagements: 7,665,577

The combative former judge, 70, is a Fox News staple and was one of the network's many hosts who fiercely supported and defended Trump during his term. Trump, in turn, defended Pirro after her show disappeared from the Fox News schedule when she questioned the compatibility of Minnesota Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar's Muslim beliefs with the U.S. Constitution. Pirro's social accounts are typical of Fox News hosts, sharing clips and smackdowns of political opponents and wading into issues such as China, COVID and the culture wars, though she does not enjoy the same level of success as Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham. She nonetheless has a sizable and engaged social audience, making Pirro an important voice whose credibility within TrumpWorld is elevated by her legal background.

Typical post:

"We've all seen Biden falling up the steps of Air Force One on Friday. But what we can't help remember is the absolute hysteria from the liberal media and even Biden himself when Trump walked gingerly down this ramp at West Point."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (17)


Followers: 5,108,543
Posts: 1,842
Engagements: 14,423,620

Former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, 71, who now hosts No Spin News after leaving the network in 2017 over sexual harassment claims against him that were settled for millions of dollars, has held shifting positions on Trump. He suggested Trump deserves credit for the vaccine rollout and also questioned accusations the former president wanted violence to break out at the Capitol on January 6. However, O'Reilly, who was at one time the Fox network's brightest star, said Trump's failure to calm the situation that day "destroyed his legacy." O'Reilly visited Trump in Florida in April, and said he got the feeling he is planning a 2024 run. The pair have known each other for decades. Like Tucker Carlson, O'Reilly is more of an independent voice than the others from the Fox orbit. But he is set to embark on a four-date speaking tour with Trump, with the priciest tickets ringing in at $7,500 each.

Typical post:

"Even after 100 days, the Biden administration blames its biggest problem on President Trump."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (18)


Followers: 4,997,376
Posts: 95
Engagements: 3,318,084

Another of Trump's children on the list is his middle son Eric, 37, who was more focused on running the Trump Organization than political affairs during his father's tenure, though he was a vocal advocate of the former president and made regular media appearances. He uses his social platform to promote and defend his father, elevating those who commend him and those who attack his successor, Biden. Eric Trump's tweets and comments touch upon similar themes to his older brother, Trump Jr., though he posts much less often. In the period measured, he tweeted 42 times compared to his brother's 714. In his household, it is his wife, the political consultant Lara Trump, who appears to harbor political ambitions. She is touted to run for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

Typical post:

"Gas prices are going through the roof - thanks #JoeBiden"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (19)


Followers: 5,164,332
Posts: 2,217
Engagements: 14,329,530

Ingraham, 58, is another top Fox News host who championed the former president and has continued to do so since his departure. Her show The Ingraham Angle began during the first year of Trump's term and successfully rode the ups and downs of his presidency. In recent social media posts Ingraham has praised Trump's handling of the COVID-19 vaccine roll out, criticized "Big Tech's campaign to silence Donald Trump" and shared news articles referencing his continued popularity among GOP voters. She has also focused on holding China accountable for COVID, criticism of Anthony Fauci and the culture wars. In one notable break with Trump, Ingraham accepted the fact of Biden's electoral victory, which the former president and many of his supporters still claim, baselessly, was fraudulent. Still, she remains a significant voice in TrumpWorld and has a valuable Fox News platform.

Typical post:

"Silencing, demonizing, controlling is all the Left has. This reveals their true agenda. Total evisceration of Constitution. Socialism. Total domination. The CCP's proud."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (20)


Followers: 6,761,441
Posts: 14
Engagements: 2,165,237

The rapper and rocker, 50, is a Republican and one of the few celebrities to have come out for Trump. As someone from the liberal-dominated entertainment industry, he is a rare beast in TrumpWorld. He even attended a presidential debate in 2020 at Trump's invitation and stumped for him at rallies. Not a frequent poster, Kid Rock nevertheless has a large audience across Facebook and Twitter, and on occasion fires off a strident political view to his fans. After congratulating President Joe Biden on Inauguration Day, Kid Rock posted on Facebook: "Just to be clear and follow up....THESE FAR LEFT SOCIALIST LIBERALS AND MEDIA CAN DE-PROGRAM DEEZ NUTZ!!"

Typical post:

"Like many others, I was not happy with the election, the horrible pandemic or timing of it, among many other things, including the 4 years of constant attacks on Donald J. Trump (myself and his supporters) that began before he even took office. He accomplished so much. Nonetheless, I respect the office of the presidency and will congratulate President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris and join them in their call to unify our country and hope and pray for a better tomorrow. Fingers crossed. God Bless America."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (21)


Following: 6,715,288
Posts: 1,178
Engagements: 15,049,020

The most influential lawmaker on our list, Cruz was a rival to Trump in 2016 but has since become a firm ally. At the start of May, the 50-year-old Texas Republican shared a photo of himself having dinner with the former president and said they had spent the evening discussing how the GOP could take back the House and Senate. Around the same time, he condemned Facebook's upholding of Trump's ban: "For every liberal celebrating Trump's social media ban, if the Big Tech oligarchs can muzzle the former President, what's to stop them from silencing you?" His own social media profile has become a vehicle for targeting Democrats, including Biden, in his characteristically aggressive style. Alongside the influence of Big Tech, Cruz puts particular emphasis on border issues, foreign policy and the culture wars, crusading against "cancel culture" and wokeism. Cruz is one of MAGA's leading lights in Congress and on social media, and so is well-positioned for another presidential run in the future.

Typical post:

"Texan Gina Carano broke barriers in the Star Wars universe: not a princess, not a victim, not some emotionally tortured Jedi. She played a woman who kicked ass & who girls looked up to. She was instrumental in making Star Wars fun again. Of course Disney canceled her."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (22)


Followers: 17,310,767
Posts: 40
Engagements: 4,455,510

The former president's elder daughter, 39, was once seen as heiress to the presidency—reportedly what both he and she wanted. Her public persona is carefully managed. She has honed a much more traditional political image than her father or siblings, largely staying out of the messy fights of the past few years and attempting to position herself a tier or two above the drama with her anodyne—critics say tone deaf—commentary on the issues that grip America. But she is not as popular as her eldest brother Don Jr., who has waded happily into these battles and emerged a natural successor to his father. Ivanka Trump reportedly no longer desires a career in politics and her social posts are few and far between. But she still commands a large following on Twitter and Facebook, and they are highly engaged. If she chooses to enter the political arena, Ivanka will have an impressive head start on social media.

Typical post:

"This afternoon, I gratefully received my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Getting fully vaccinated is the best way to end this pandemic and protect ourselves and one another."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (23)


Followers: 6,098,638
Posts: 805
Engagements: 14,360,869

Another Fox host who remains steadfastly behind Trump, Lahren said in February: "Trumpism is here to stay." At 28 years old, Lahren is the youngest person on the ranking. Through her platform on Fox Nation, a youth-targeted streaming service spun out of Fox News, she has built a considerable audience on the right. Lahren recently insisted Trump is still a "winning man" and America First a "winning message"—backing a 2024 run—in a clip she amplified through her Twitter profile. In another recent post she said Trump was "still the head of the conservative movement." Since Trump's bans, Lahren has lamented "censorship" by Big Tech while using her own social media reach to boost the former president's rhetoric and agenda. Lahren is a voice for young, Trump-supporting conservatives—and also a gateway to them through her Fox Nation platform.

Typical post:

"Big tech can purge conservative but can't do anything about child p*rn? Weird. #Priorities"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (24)


Followers: 6,838,726
Posts: 135
Engagements: 6,482,807

Carlson, 52, is the reigning king of Fox News. Hosting America's most-watched cable news show, night after night Carlson tees up the social conversation the following day. Fans and critics alike clip and share moments and monologues from Carlson's show, which then bathes in the ensuing controversy, be it over racism, vaccines, gender, or any other red hot issue. Carlson is a favorite among Trump supporters and even has the ear of the man himself. The Fox host is credited with pulling Trump back from the brink of all-out war with Iran. Despite this, Carlson lags his network colleague Hannity on social engagement. Still, Carlson is the biggest name in cable news right now and holds significant sway with Trump supporters, making him a powerful ally or a fearsome enemy for prominent conservatives.

Typical post:

"Dem leaders have decided that 74 million Trump voters didn't simply back the wrong guy or have the wrong opinions. No. The threat they pose is graver and more dangerous than that. These 74 million Trump voters are in fact terrorists."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (25)


Followers: 9,898,683
Posts: 3,731
Engagements: 48,245,071

The Fox News host, 59, commended Trump's work ethic in an interview with the former president in April, saying he is "working as hard" now as he did in the White House. And throughout Trump's presidency, Hannity worked hard himself in energetically backing the former commander-in-chief, who has described the Fox stalwart as a "terrific supporter." From friendly interviews with Trump and his loyalists to a barrage of criticism leveled at Biden and other political foes, Hannity remains committed to the "America first" agenda—and deploys his social clout to amplify the MAGA message under a Democratic administration. Hannity's voice still counts in the conservative world and his platform makes him an essential ally for those who want to pick up Trump's mantle

Typical post:

"WATCH: 'Donald Trump will be acquitted. This is another colossal waste of time with a pre-determined outcome. A show-trial predicated on psychotic rage from the radical left.'"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (26)


Followers: 6,142,918
Posts: 402
Engagements: 24,803,634

The 32-year-old Trump-supporting activist rose to prominence with the Turning Point conservative student organization. She has since carved out her own space in digital conservatism, founding the Blexit campaign to encourage Black voters to quit the Democratic Party and hosting her own show Candace on The Daily Wire. Owens tends to focus on race issues, pushing back against liberal arguments and assumptions about the status of people of color in American society. She is arguably the highest-profile Black conservative activist, wielding significant influence on Twitter and Facebook, two platforms on which her posts can spark or steer a trend. Still young, and with a formidable social presence, Owens is well-positioned to transition into electoral politics in a GOP still enthralled by Trump.

Typical Post:

"We've turned George Floyd, a criminal drug addict, into an icon. We are promoting Satan shoes to wear on our feet. We've got Cardi B named as woman of the year. But we're convinced it's white supremacy that's keeping black America behind. How stupid can we be?"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (27)


Followers: 10,081,234
Posts: 1152
Engagements: 67,522,012

Donald Trump Jr., 43, is the new top Trump on social media. A staunch defender of his father, who is a regular focus of his posts, Trump Jr. uses social media to attack critics and wage the conservative war on woke. Tirades against liberals and the media are reminiscent of the former president's own tweet assaults, as is the full-throttle tone of his diatribes. Last year, the BBC described him as "Trumpier than Trump"—and while outdoing his father on social media is a tough task, he's certainly working to fill the void, emerging as the heir apparent.

Typical post:

"So the ayatollah, and numerous other dictatorial regimes can have Twitter accounts with no issue despite threatening genocide to entire countries and killing hom*osexuals etc... but The President of the United States should be permanently suspended. Mao would be proud."

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (28)


Followers: 12,051,714
Posts: 932
Engagements: 64,710,276

The evangelical leader, 68, is a key supporter of Trump's, helping to deliver the former president his vast community of conservative Christian voters. Graham's social output is largely centered on his religious views and work. But he still posts supportively of Trump to his following, and echoes some of the former president's rhetoric, such as a tweet in April declaring "the swamp has won" after a speech by President Joe Biden. However, Graham also recently suggested to Axios that Trump may be too old and unhealthy to run for president in 2024, a pronouncement that could diminish his influence among MAGA diehards. That suggests Graham's future presidential endorsem*nt might be up for grabs—and with it a huge chunk of support from the evangelical community—if anyone chooses to challenge Trump.

Typical post:

"Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with @SpeakerPelosi & the House Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back & betray him so quickly? What was done yesterday only further divides our nation."


The starting point for the ranking was the most-followed accounts in Trump's orbit. But there are a number of rising stars in TrumpWorld who, while not as well-followed as others, are still making a splash. Here's some of the bigger figures to emerge.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (29)


A former Secret Service agent who protected Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Bongino is now a pro-Trump pundit whose life's purpose, as his Twitter bio says, is to "Own The Libs." He was a regular fixture on Hannity's Fox show but graduated to his own primetime Saturday slot on the network—Unfiltered with Dan Bongino—as well as a three-hour radio show—The Dan Bongino Show—on Fox Nation alongside his own popular podcast, Bongino Report. But the 46-year-old didn't have enough followers to crack the TrumpWorld top 20. Still, he is a major player on Facebook, regularly topping its trending charts, and is quickly establishing himself as a bright star in conservative media.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (30)


Greene, 46, is a far-right Republican congresswoman from Georgia who has openly touted discredited conspiracy theories, such as QAnon, and endorses Trump's false claim that Biden stole the 2020 election. She is a prolific, disputatious user of social media, regularly taking aim at political enemies, while also posting workout videos. Her incendiary statements got her booted from House committee assignments but have found a home on social platforms.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (31)


Boebert, 34, is a gun-toting Republican congresswoman from Colorado who aggressively champions the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms. She caused a stir in Washington shortly before taking office in January with a promise to carry a loaded Glock into Congress. Boebert also tweeted,"Today is 1776," before the storming of the Capitol. Another prolific user of social media, Boebert is growing in popularity with TrumpWorld.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (32)


The gay 33-year-old Republican activist rose to prominence with his cleanup events, starting in Baltimore after Trump called the city a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess." His chipper style is unorthodox in the polarized world of politics, but resonates on social media. Still, Presler is full-blooded MAGA: His Twitter bio says "I helped defeat Hillary," with a background image that asks, "Why do Democrats choose illegal aliens first?"

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (33)


The 39-year-old Florida GOP congressman is not quiet about his ongoing loyalty to Trump, tweeting on May 5: "Donald Trump remains the undisputed leader of the Republican Party!" And when he is not outwardly praising Trump, his other posts revolve around themes favored by the former president: Criticism of his enemies and the push of an "America First" agenda. Gaetz is currently in serious legal trouble over allegations he paid a minor for sex, which he denies.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (34)


The conservative comedian, 33, is a popular podcaster and YouTuber—his show and channel are both called Louder with Crowder—who gleefully stokes controversy in his rants against the left on social media. Crowder has been accused of using racist and hom*ophobic language. He recently hosted Donald Trump Jr. on his show and the pair criticized Facebook's decision to ban the former president from Facebook and Twitter.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (35)


The former state attorney general and now Republican senator from Missouri has stood by his efforts to contest the Electoral College votes and certification of Joe Biden as president on January 6. A now infamous image of the 41-year-old lawmaker shows him raising his fist to crowds gathered ahead of the violence at the Capitol that day. A major focus of his social media posting: criticism of Big Tech for what he believes is platforms' unfair treatment of conservatives.

We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (36)

This article was updated with more context about Dan Bongino.

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Shane Croucher AND Jacob Jarvis

Shane Croucher is a Senior Editor based in London, UK. He oversees the My Turn team. He has previously overseen ...Read more

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We Ranked the Top MAGA Influencers Six Months After Trump Social-Media Ban (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.